Original Title:
Les deux géants
HardcoverISBN: 978-2-35558-187-8
44 pages
25 x 34 cm - 18,90€
Two giants walk each one on a side of the world which they make turn to the rhythm of their step. They walk tirelessly, each with his own destiny, each with his own character. They never see each other. When one is here, the other is over there.
Everyone knows it. It’s always like that. But what would happen if one of them had the idea to turn around?
This text, to which Martin Jarrie’s paintings give a cosmogonic dimension, was written by Régis Lejonc 20 years ago. Today, this powerful allegory on the functionning of the world, brutally thwarted, is of an incredible contemporaneity with regard to the global upheaval that the COVID crisis is causing universally. The author, by imagining an open ending, invites reflection, which is more necessary than ever.
⭐ Selected for the Braw Amazing Bookshelf in Bologna Children’s Book Fair (2023)
Rights sold: Korean language