Sleepless night

Original Title:

Nuit Blanche










ISBN: 978-2-35558-232-5

48 pages

25 x 31 - 21€

Nuit blancheNuit blancheNuit blanche


On Halloween night, Gaspard, dressed as a ghost, goes trick-or-treating. Suddenly, he loses sight of his mom and wanders off. It’s the start of a sleepless night between confusion and enthusiasm.

In this adventure, which takes the child from the city to the forest and awakens his senses, one emotion follows another: we’re scared with him, and we laugh too. As the setting sun sublimates the landscape, seeming to suspend time and stop the wild animals in their tracks, beauty prevails over worry. Left on his own, Gaspard reveals himself. As he takes off his disguise, he gradually discovers himself. At dawn, at last, he hears a familiar voice. What a joy for little Gaspard, who is now not quite the same: he’s grown up.



⭐ 2025, Illustrators Exhibition organized by Bologna Children’s Book Fair (winner)


Florian Pigé

A graduate of the Émile Cohl school in Lyon (France), Florian Pigé developed a passion for children’s literature. Since then, in his creative work, he has focused on plot-revealing details, simplicity of form and research into materials. In 2015, HongFei published Tout là-Haut (All the way up there), his first picture book as an illustrator (text by Morgane de Cadier). Other titles (Chut!, Les Incos Award 2019; Le Secret du loup), followed. They led him to break new ground, which he loves more than anything. With his trilogy Si petit (So tiny), Si gourmand (Always hungry) and Si curieux (So curious), he opened the doors to writing, a new mode of expression that he appreciates and implements in Bulle d’été (Summer bubble), a picture book entirely and masterfully created with colored pencils, and in which Florian puts a lot of himself.

In 2019, the album Chut ! (Shhh!), text by Morgane de Cadier, won LES INCOS AWARD, CP category.

In 2019, the picture book Si petit (So tiny) was chosen as part of the PREMIÈRES PAGES scheme by the Lot département and CAF to be offered to all children born or adopted there in 2019.

In 2020, the Bulle d’été (Summer Bubble) album was awarded the PRIX LANDERNEAU in the picture book category.

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