Original Title:
Paratou, un parapluie en brousse
HardcoverISBN: 979-10-93266-27-5
32 pages
32 x 22,5 cm - 13€
Sékou is the son of the chief of a small African village. One day he returns from the market with an unusual treasure that he shows everyone: an umbrella! But what on earth is its purpose?
Rights sold:
English (world) and Spanish (US only) language rights sold
Select reviews:
⭐ This trek-like tale is a wonderful demonstration of the possibility of sharing and solidarity within a system. Last but not least, this story, illustrated with brightly colored collages, encourages readers to open up to a different world, offering them a different perspective.
– Edwine Elisa Jaomazava for Ricochet (Institut suisse Jeunesse et Médias)
⭐ “Reminiscent of Synthia Saint James’ artwork, the characters in this picture book have no facial features, but Traoré portrays them so expressively that they don’t need them; one can easily read joy, impatience, excitement, and welcome in their body language. <…> Culturally immersive, exquisitely illustrated, and endearingly playful, this French import should be as widely shared as the umbrella.
– Kirkus starred review of the American edition Paratou, the umbrella (May, 2021)