Coco at the center of the earth

Original Title:

Coco et la fusée


L’Étagère du bas








ISBN: 978-2-490253-73-9

24 pages

19 x 19 - 11,50€

Coco at the center of the earthCoco at the center of the earthCoco at the center of the earth


Today, in the garden, Coco is wondering how to get to the center of the earth… So Dad, who’s a bit of a handyman, unveils his latest invention: an explorer’s helmet with a super-powerful lamp. Let’s get ready for adventure!


Strong points

– The fourth volume in the “Coco’s Worlds” series, this time on the themes of caving and volcanoes.

– The author invites readers to join his endearing characters on a new adventure: what secrets does the center of the earth hold?

– By opting for an autumnal color palette, the illustrator offers an incredible underground world of warm, comforting tones, with the same meticulous attention to detail in each of her boards.



ROMAIN JALLON Jallon (author)

Born in 1982, Romain Jallon is an ingenieur and a doctor in industrial engineering. This born entrepreneur had lived more than ten years in Canada. He created the character of Coco when he used to invent stories for his daughters. The picture book Coco and the little mouse is its first children book.


LUCIE PLACIN (illustrator)

Born in 1981 in Bordeaux, Lucile Placin discovers children’s illustrations while studying at the prestigious school Emile Cohl in Lyon, after graduating from high school. Then, she starts to work as a freelance for multiple children literature publishing houses (Milan, Casterman, Didier jeunesse, L’Élan vert, Rue du monde) in her workshop in Biarritz.

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